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La Femme war sehr lange nicht aktiv. Aktive Profile antworten meist viel schneller.
- Österreich
- La Femme
Noch 500 Zeichen übrig
La Femme
Alter | 60 |
Größe | 167cm |
Geschlecht | Weiblich |
BH-Größe | C |
Kategorie | Professionell |
Treffpunkt | Besuchbar |
Alle ansehenl Alle ansehenl |
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Private Galerie
Besuchbar | Auswärtsbesuche | |
1 Stunde | €130 | - |
2 Stunden | €300 | - |
Erotische Massage | Po Massage |
Alle Angaben
Gewicht | 81kg |
Über mich
Ready for something extremely valuable? Something that is better than sex? You will be so blown away. My touches are extremely relaxing and tender. A whisper is much more than a full body massage. Through sensitive, loving touches of your whole body in a comfortable atmosphere, both physical and mental tensions are released. Fragrant oils are used and my body whispers give you a feeling of security and loving safety. The sensual second part of the touch consists of an intensive treatment of your hip area, the Yoni (woman) - Lingam (man), is a deeply healing energy. Anyone who has experienced it for themselves will agree. Just when someone touches you and worships your Yoni, your Lingam in such a mindful way, like something holy, you feel that you are deeply accepted. When someone touches you without desire and without wanting anything from you - and you don't have to do anything for it, when you realize with what skill your pelvic area is touched and awakens unknown feelings, leads you to completely relaxed ecstasy, then that is heaven on earth. All the awakened lustful life energy is repeatedly connected to the heart and distributed throughout the body so that our whole life can be ecstasy and pleasure. Ecstasy right down to the fingertips. Ecstasy into everyday life. For us, that means climbing to the peak of pleasure.
You can decide for yourself whether the touch should be an imaginative healing energy that does not lead to an erotic climax, or whether the tingling final act should be as enjoyable as possible and delayed for a long time. Used in therapy, this also promotes the growth of your lingam. My body whispering is basically suitable for all pleasure-loving people who have a need for sensual touch. During the treatment (1.5-2 hours), you will receive the Access Bars while your body recovers from the initial exertion. These are 32 points on the head that are gently touched. These basically erase your hard drive. I will explain the details to you personally. A combination of well-being that is truly magical. Feel ecstasy right down to your fingertips! I love what I do and you will feel it every moment. I also clearly distance myself from any kind of sexual activity. Lingam/Yoni does include sexuality, but it is and remains a soul touch that goes deeper than you can imagine. NOTE: not suitable for men with phimosis (foreskin tightness)!!!
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