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Trans (TS) escorts in Reading

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LocationReading, Berkshire
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Known as the commuter belt’s crown jewel (or maybe it's cheaper, reliable back-up), Reading has a bit of everything: tech companies, shopping malls, and, of course, the world-famous Reading Festival, where muddy wellies and questionable decisions go hand in hand. The famous Oracle Centre, which has all the charm of a cruise ship that forgot to set sail, has even got a river running through it, so you can sit outside sipping a cocktail, squinting at the water, and imagining you’re anywhere else.

We jest of course, since Reading has plenty to recommend it. Really. Not least a bevy of beauties waiting to attend to your every desire here on Erobella. And, speaking of crown jewels, you can even get your ladies with a side of meat and two veg if that’s your thing. Juliette TV, Emanuelle garcia and Helena di Troia (see what she did there) are just a few of our stunning shemales ready to show you a good time. 

If your tastes are more vanilla than chocolate starfish, Reading still has plenty to offer. Check our our escort listings above to get you in the mood.